Aasma Butt congratulates Jamal Shah on appointment as Federal Minister

Islamabad: Aasma Butt, President of All Pakistan Chinese Overseas Youth Federation and well-known director congratulated Jamal Shah on his appointment as Federal Minister of National Heritage and Culture. She expressed good wishes and hoped that as an artist Jamal Shah will devote his full energies for the promotion of culture.

Aasma Butt congratulated Jamal Shah on his appointment as Federal Minister of National Heritage and Culture. Aasma Butt said that the appointment of Jamal Shah is a good move by the government. We are happy that for the first time an artist has been selected understanding the sensitivities of the ministry.

With the appointment of Jamal Shah, there has been a wave of happiness in the artist community. Aasma Butt said that we expect Jamal Shah to play an important role in getting the artists deprived of their basic rights. Everyone is well aware that Jamal Shah, former DG Pakistan National Council of Arts, also took good measures for the welfare of his artists.

Many expectations of the artist community are attached to Jamal Shah. We pray for Jamal Shah that the culture of Pakistan gets further developed in his presence.

On this occasion, Jamal Shah appreciated the good wishes of Aasma Butt and said that I will try my best to protect my national heritage and culture.

He said that will take effective measures for the welfare of artists so that our country becomes stronger culturally.

On this occasion, Aasma Butt and Jamal Shah also discussed various plans for the promotion of culture and the welfare of artists in the future.

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