Covid-19 Effects on Mental Health!

By: Aleeza sami

The outburst of COVID-19 human cases happened in previous December 2019 in the Wuhan province of China. Meanwhile at that time the malady has blowout worldwide attaining pandemic position, affecting countries in Europe, the U.S, Asia, the Middle East and North America. It is claimed that COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on mental health. And it is well known that pandemic pose a threat to mental health.
“CO” stands for Corona, “VI” for virus, and “D” for disease. The COVID-19 virus is a new virus associated to the same family of viruses as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and some types of common cold. The virus is spread through direct contact with respiratory droplets of an infected person. The COVID-19 virus may survive on surfaces for several hours, but simple sanitizers can kill it. (WHO)
Subsequently the disaster of COVID-19, the entire sphere is in a situation of disarray. Quarantine plan is a suitable model in monitoring transmission and speedy spread. As a consequence, people stayed at homes and interrupted their outdoor everyday events. It preceded to the shutdown of educational institutions, which is origin of many students to survive with many personal and familial matters or problems. The COVID-19 virus has affected the lives of millions of people in the world and is no doubt to consequence in mental fitness complications surrounded by those with no earlier mental illness as well as aggravate the condition of those with pre-existing mental illness complications. Mental health complications are expected to start untimely and stay after the virus is over. Occurrence of the malady, cessation of community-based support and stigma are probable starting point of short-term psychiatric complications while factors such as profit-making losses can potentially causes long-term psychiatric health problems. The fitness professionals reported an influence on their psychological , physical and Social well-being. They sensed fearful, displeasure and stressed out. Their communal life and other daily activities were disturbed.
Pakistan, being a socialistic society heavily dependent on social connectivity, has been life-threatening toward self-isolation, social hostility, and quarantine and is hesitant to contract with the mental, psychological, communicative, and social effects of volatility and irregularity of this crisis. Besides the overall community being affected, medical employees were subjected to physical and psychological pressure with high risk of infection, deficient protective apparatus from epidemic, isolation, fatigue, and lack of family contact. The intensity causes further psychological health matters which not only reduce the decision?making capability of medical workers but may also have a negative impression on their overall well?being in the long term. Health maintenance conditions in Pakistan are getting worse on daily basis and therefore controlling the malady would require complete detailed super vision on both physical and psychological healthcare situation.
Recent studies have shown that the psychological effects of quarantine may be huge, leading to a variety of mental health issues ranging from anxiety and frustration to sleep disruptions, depression and post?traumatic stress disorder (Brooks et al., 2020; Kang et al., 2020).In conclusion, it is not to say that quarantine or lockdown strategy should not be used; it may be worse for the psychological consequences of not taking timely measures and allowing the disease to spread (Hawryluck et al., 2004). There is an emergency requirement for current clinical checkup and charge to report psychosomatic disorders, and findings advise evaluating psychological condition to opposing the virus world. Findings acclaim evolving plans to encourage psychological healthcare facilities during COVID-19 all-inclusive calamities.