Customized social media

In the current age no one can deny the importance of social media.  But most of the people are exploiting this swift means of communication instead of its useful manner. In Pakistan most of the people are misusing the platform of social media to malign and make fun of their political opponents.

Since then people came to know that they can earn money from social media, the so called intellectuals have flooded it by posting third rate content, unethical hate material, illicit issues, irrational denigration, prejudice conduct and even abuse of language for their rivals.

Now a race has begun for posting to post the unusable material on the social media in which every segment of the society is trying to take lead from others. Though social media can be called a trend setter but here in Pakistan its unchecked negative usage has deteriorated the values of the society. The personal security of personal freedom and secrecy is affected badly due to illegal use of social media.

We are living in the era of communication and social media attains great significance as every person is busy these days and social media is considered as the fastest and cheapest mode of communication.

Through Facebook we can make contact with friends and known ones worldwide. One’s memories are stored in it for years. Some years back, X (former tweeter) was used by the serious minded people but now, here in Pakistan it is used by the flippant types of elements, which are working on behalf of different political parties to sling mud and blame against their opponents.

But here lies a point that how we can use social media can be ensured. In this connection if the government will carry out some kind of legislation to control the misappropriation of social media, then it is very much likely that it might be held liable for interfering with the personal liberty of the people.

The only way is to use it in a prudent manner but for this self-accountability is must. We all should think before the use of social media that our childish behavior is irking many of the people. Now as a nation, we cannot eliminate politics from our life because it has been deepened in our blood, but we should think that what we are doing is that we are trying to impose our personal likes and dislikes on others.

As almost the entire young generation, especially the students, use social media, so it is the obligation of the educational institutions to impart their moral training for using social media. In this connection it is suggested that the universities, colleges and schools may arrange special lectures and training seminars for their pupils for responsible use of social media.

It is also the duty of the parents to keep an eye at home. what type of content their children are posting on social media and if they find any aspect of illegality or immorality in it then they should prevent it.

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