Electioneering grows expeditiously

The campaign of electioneering reached to its pinnacle throughout the country and the people are taking keen interest in the public gatherings and corner meetings, which are being organized by the different candidates, mostly  belong to political parties.

The youth in the different constituencies fully occupy the temporary election offices established by different candidates where the rush of the people remains till late night despite the cold weather. The workers of the political parties are busy nowadays in the scrutiny and conveying vote numbers to their patient voters in different areas.

Though the election campaign was slow in the beginning due to cold weather, but with the passage of time it gained momentum, When the election campaign was kicked off nearly one month ago, people were not sure to some extent that either elections would be held or not. But as the time went on, the doubts were cleared in the minds of the public. This was also the reason for the beginning of the election campaign with sluggish pace.

Now the hustle and bustle in every nook and corner of the country has increased manifold due to the election campaign. The candidates and political leaders are making full efforts to reach out the maximum number of voters through the rallies, processions and public meetings. As usual they are making promises for bringing positive change in their lives by reducing inflation and giving jobs to the young generation, if they succeed in the elections.

The colourful manifestos, handbills, pamphlets and brochures from various political parties mentioning future pledges and past performance of the candidates have reached the people widely across the country. The people also know the fact that this material is nothing but only piles of false claims and mock tales, but even though they would vote for their favourite candidates with full enthusiasm on election day, no matter ,after winning the polls, their nominee would be vanished from the scene till the next elections.

In the current political scenario, the people have made up their minds that they would cast their votes in favour of which political party or candidate. Although in the democratic form of government, the people have full right to decide that which leadership would run the affairs of the country for the next five years,  but as a matter of fact, it is only possible, when the free, fair and impartial elections would be held in the country.

For the past many years, the elections were held under the judiciary but this time the polls are going to be held under the executives. This time, after a long period, the officers from district administration or their nominated officers would act as returning officers for the polls

Here in Pakistan, the majority of the people in the urban areas follow the political affiliation, while in the rural areas the criteria of the voters is quite different. Mostly people in the villages vote under the frat system as they see caste and community while voting. The old generation in the rural areas still follow the directives of the feudal lords for voting but the educated youth use the right of franchise, according to their will without accepting pressure from their elders.

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