Indian frustration over provision of Chinese telecom equipment to Pakistan

Ishfaqullah Shawl

India seems to be highly frustrated after China supplied highly supportive military equipment to Pakistan a it is a open secret that Indian civil and military leadership is frightened by the development of China on both civil and military front/

Indian frustration is visible after it claimed that it has seized the mobile handsets used by militants in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and second Indian claim was that some freedom fighter groups operating in IIOJK against Indian occupation are receiving training, weapons and ammunition from state actors in Pakistan

Although India is feeling terrible frustration due to China Pakistan relations that are leading economic growth of Pakistan with the active support of China especially by China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and it is trying to spit beans against Pakistan to gain world support to stop the ongoing pace of economic development of Pakistan.

India also made tall claims that during the encounters with Kashmiri freedom fighters in IIOJK it has led to the seizure of highly encrypted Chinese telecom gear “Ultra Set”, equipment used by the Pakistani army that has ended up in the hands of terror groups. This has also raised concerns over undetected infiltrations from across the Line of Control (LoC) and fighters potentially residing in the outskirts of cities and villages of IIOJK.

The Indian concern is that even after using all negative tactics against the freedom fighters it has failed to suppress the sane voice of Kashmir for their freedom from Indian occupation.
Indian leadership both civil and military is raising issue across the globe such as why China is raising Kashmir issue at the UN and other international forums to support Kashmir to get world support to exercise their inalienable right to self determination this all made Indian increasingly harsh.

The main cause of Indian frustration was that since August 2019, China has consistently raised the Kashmir issue at the United Nations Security Council. China time and again sought a discussion on Kashmir under the “Any Other Business” category in the UN Security Council.

Although India is losing international support and the things it used to deprive Kashmiri nation from world support for their freedom from Indian illegal occupation. Indian has lost US support due to its terroristic mind set in which it has killed Khalistan leaders in Canada and tried the same in US that has added in Indian frustration and it has started blaming China to deprive Kashmir freedom fighters from world support. It has miserably failed to turn table against the Sikh’s across the globe to deprive Khalistan Movement from popular support in US and Canada.

Indian response to such efforts as well Chinese comments are becoming harsher, a possible indication that the Indian government is losing patience with Beijing.

It is a bitter reality that Kashmir had not been on the UN Security Council’s agenda since 1971. China resurrected the Kashmir issue in the Security Council in August 2019 following the Indian decision to nullify Article 370, the special status given to the state of Jammu and Kashmir under the Indian Constitution.

China has continued to describe the Indian action to remove the special status of Jammu and Kashmir and bifurcate the state into two union territories as affecting its territorial claims in the Ladakh region. In August 2019, China said the Indian decision was “unacceptable.” India rejected China’s criticisms, saying the decision was an internal matter with no impact on its external borders. China has persisted.

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