Kashmiris Protests against Indian PM Modi’s Visit to IIOJK

Muzaffarabad:  In response to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Kashmir, Pasban-e-Hurriyat Jammu Kashmir organized a large protest in the capital. Leaders asserted that Modi cannot assert ownership of Kashmir by visiting Srinagar under the protection of 100,000 troops.

Details reveal that citizens, under the banner of Pasban-e-Hurriyat, gathered in front of the Central Press Club, burning tires in protest against Modi’s visit. The demonstration was led by Pasban-e-Hurriyat Chairman Uzair Ahmed Ghazali.

In protest against the ongoing war crimes in Kashmir allegedly encouraged by the Delhi government, effigies of Narendra Modi, Rajnath Singh, Ajit Doval, and Amit Shah were burned. A large number of participants, including elderly people, youths, and children, waved black flags and carried anti-Modi banners. Protesters chanted slogans such as “Killer, Killer, Modi Killer,” “The Kashmir watered with blood is ours,” and “Go Modi Go Back.”

Speakers at the protest described Modi as the killer of thousands of Kashmiris and an imperialist ruler attacking the identity of Jammu and Kashmir. They declared the visit wholly rejected by the Kashmiri people. They criticized the Indian PM’s heavily guarded tour of Srinagar as a failed attempt to portray himself as the ruler of Kashmir. They noted that Modi’s visit highlighted the public’s distance, hatred, and discontent towards the Delhi government. The people of Jammu and Kashmir, despite all repression, have rejected Delhi’s authority.

The speakers called for a free referendum in Jammu and Kashmir under the United Nations Security Council resolutions if India possesses any democratic or moral courage. They emphasized that Kashmiris will accept nothing less than freedom from India and that the struggle for independence cannot be crushed by oppression.

Meanwhile A strike has gripped Srinagar and other parts of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir during Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the territory.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the strike call was given by the All Parties Hurriyat Conference. Yesterday evening, Modi arrived in Srinagar and today participated in a yoga event at the Kashmir International Convention Centre on the banks of Dal Lake.

Responding to the strike call, the Kashmiris today closed their shops to express their rejection to Modi’s visit and his anti-Kashmir agenda.

Srinagar wore a deserted look, while Indian forces’ personnel arrested at least 300 youths during last over one week in various crackdown operations to prevent any anti-India protest in the territory.

Meanwhile, strict restrictions remained in place in Srinagar and surrounding areas in the name of security on the occasion of Modi’s visit to the city. The city is resembling a military fortress with thousands of Indian forces’ personnel been deployed, and surveillance devices such as drones and CCTV cameras installed.

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