Pakistan condemns extra-judicial killing of four more Kashmiri youth in IIOJK

Pakistan has strongly condemned the recent extra-judicial killings of Kashmiris in the “ongoing brutal campaign” in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

Pakistan is deeply concerned and condemns in the strongest possible terms the reported martyrdom of four young Kashmiris recently in the ongoing brutal campaign of extra-judicial killings in staged encounters and fake cordon and search operations by occupation forces in IIOJK, the Foreign Office said in a statement on Thursday.

India’s desperate attempts to malign the just and indigenous struggle to self-determination of Kashmiris by whipping up the “terrorism” bogey will never succeed, it added.

“Having failed to address the indigenous freedom struggle, India is using unabated anti-Pakistan blame game as a smokescreen for diverting world attention from India’s state-terrorism and systematic human rights violations in IIOJK,” read the communiqué.

Pakistan has repeatedly drawn the attention of the international community to India’s sinister designs of staging “false flag” operations aimed at implicating Pakistan and Kashmiris.

While Pakistan is a peace-loving country, “we will spare no effort in resolutely thwarting any aggressive designs, as was amply demonstrated by Pakistan’s response to India’s Balakot misadventure in 2019”.

Islamabad again calls upon New Delhi to halt its state-sponsored terrorism, stop human rights violations, lift the inhumane military siege and let the people of IIOJK exercise their right to self-determination as promised to them by the relevant UN Security Council resolutions, the statement added.