PM AJK seeks EU attention towards Indian atrocities in IIOJK

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MUZAFFARABAD : The Azad Jammu and Kashmir Prime Minister Raja Muhammad Farooq Haider Khan has highly appreciated the vibrant role of Kashmir council Europe for effectively projecting the voice of the oppressed Kashmiri people and exposing the worst human rights violations and atrocities by the Indian forces on Kashmiri people in occupied Kashmir.
Talking to the chairman Kashmir Council Europe Ali Raza Syed and a renowned European Journalists and Photographer Cedric Garibay here on Saturday, the Prime Minister said a planned network launched by the Indian government against Pakistan and Kashmiri people has been exposed and now it is the responsibility of the international community and the European countries to take notice of the heinous designs of the Indian government .
The Prime Minister said Cedric Garibay has played a significant role in protecting the war crime against humanity by the Indian government in occupied Kashmir in all over the world particularly in European countries which is a highly commendable. He said his exhibition twice in the European parliament has also exposed the Indian forces atrocities on innocent Kashmiri people in the European countries.
The Prime Minister called upon the international human rights organizations, United Nations and civilized nations of the word to take notice of the Indian heinous designs against Pakistan and Kashmiri people and added that Indian had been involved in conspiracy against Pakistan to destabilize Pakistan and Kashmir liberation struggle launched by the Kashmiri people for attaining their internationally recognized right to self determination.
The Prime Minister drew the attention of the international community towards continued indiscriminate Indian forces firing from across the line of control on civil population of Azad Kashmir.
He said India has intensified war of repressions against Kashmiri people in pretext of cornea pandemic and Kashmiri are under continued military siege and complete lock down for the last five years.
He regretted that Kashmiri have been facing worst kind of atrocities in Occupied Kashmir at the hands of brute Indian forces while United Nations is still salient over the killings of innocent Kashmiri people.