Science of shyness

By: Wardah Haider

The article is about the shyness. The science of shyness means that there are certain reasons for shyness and that are related to the psychology of a person. The shyness is one of the form of anxiety and there is a science involved in this personality disorder. The shyness is not a negative impression but it can become dangerous and thoughtful when the person is becoming isolated or antisocial.
The article is about the shyness, its causes and consequences. The most interesting part of the article are those remedies which can be very helpful for a shy child to become a successful adult. The article discussed five ways of getting away from shyness. The first way is to keep an eye on a shy child as a keen observer if the child wants to play alone or only with two or three kids then it’s not a bad thing or an alarming sign. If they are happy and comfortable then its fine. (Miller, 2015 October 19). The shyness mostly develops in adulthood, people can become more reserved or quiet or they might become more conscious about themselves so that is the point which can make them antisocial or isolated. This thing can be avoided through motivation and encouragement so that they can participate in social activities like by joining sports teams or call a friend. Parents can also throw a party for the children and let their child to host it. The party can be of inviting two or three friends in order to make the child feel comfortable and then step by step motivate the child to interact with other children as well. These are some interesting facts that would be a great help for the parents or caregivers who have shy children. (Miller, 2015 October 19).
The article is related to anxiety disorders mentioned in the textbook. Shyness is form of a social anxiety and which is consider to be anxiety disorder according to text. (Ciccarelli, white, & Soo, 2016, p.455). Shyness in childhood may changes into social phobia if it is not taken as seriously in the childhood. People with social phobia often have history of shyness in the childhood. (Ciccarelli, white, & Soo, 2016, p.455). Social phobia is basically social anxiety disorder that involves the fear of interacting with others or being social. This negative attitude may lead to antisocial personality which is the part of mental illness. The shyness of a child if not properly cured may cause a social phobia in later ages. People with social phobia are afraid of being evaluated in some negative way by others which create phobia in them and that is why they become shyer and in worse case antisocial. (Ciccarelli, white, & Soo, 2016, p.455).
The article is related to social anxiety disorder that is shyness. The article discussed the causes and preventions of shyness. The research shows that 15 million Americans are diagnosed with the social anxiety disorder. Social anxiety disorder is the fear of being negatively judged by others. People with this disorder become shy or isolated. People who want to interact with other people but they are hesitant or can’t do t comfortably are labeled as shy people. There could be many reason that a child is shy or reserved. The study shows that it could be due to genetic component or it could be due to some environmental factors. Parents who are too harsh or overprotective can boost their children from shyness to social anxiety. Environment plays important role in child shyness or anxiety. (Miller, 2015 October 19). Shyness is not a bad thing it can be asset if motivated in a positive way like shy person can be a good listener or good reader as well. There are certain remedies that can be helpful to overcome shyness in the children. The first thing that parents can do is that they should limit their expectations and let the child feel free and happy. Parents should not overwhelm children with more social activities if the children want to play alone or with two or three children. That is perfectly fine if the child is happy and comfortable. The other important thing is that parents should keep a close eye on children when they feel that their child is isolating or feeling happy in loneliness for long hours then they should intervene and try to motivate for socialism. They can throw parties but start with baby step like they can invite their one or two friends earlier and later on they can invite more friends so that their children can interact with more children and become habitual of this. If these remedies are not helpful and the child become social anxious then there is a cognitive behavioral therapy to change negative behaviours of person.