The sacred month of Ramzan, the month of Blessing and compassion from Allah

Sayed Sajid Shah Bokhari

When month of Ramzan comes it gives immense pleasure to all the Mulsims(1.5 Billion) of the world to celebrate it with great courage and love. The Humans involved in all sort of sins and busy in all kinds of ills requires forgiveness and Allah provides opportunity to the Muslims to avail it. Each cult with 70% double gratuities could be in fact chance for Muslims to boon them.Every year the Muslims of the world go through fasting(complete ban on food, drinks and other activities  forbidden by Allah). Allah says that the entire cult the humans do for themselves but fasting is for me and I will give gratuities for it. The very first concept of fasting is no doubt getting the consent of Allah through begging.The outcome of Fasting is to get the spiritual qualities like compassion, empathy, humility, generosity, kindness and reverence. The world although do not fast being non-Muslim but they respect the month of Ramzan because of its worth. Even the scientists of the world had agreed, that due to huge pressure on human body thoroughly in a year and continuous eating ,drinking saturate the human body with dirt which needs purification and  rest and the Ramzan provide this opportunity on large scale. Although major objective of fasting is to make one strong in asceticism and understand strong beliefs in Allah .The Prophet of Allah says, Fasting is a shield from the Hellfire just like the shield of any of you in battle.(Sunan ibni Maja,1639).Fasting is the process to go again the lust and desires and to bow to the  command of Allah fully. It gives perception to stay away from all kinds of sins and dirt in and outside a body and to make Allah accede  the first priority.The major theme of Rozza is to follow the Allah path in true version ( do not eat and drink  in day while at night one should stand  in worship for the forgiveness of all  evils). In fact this month purify the bodies and soul, blood and brain and fill them with the love and affection of Allah. Ramzan is one of the five pillars of Islam (faith, daily prayer, fasting, Hajj and Zakat) obligatory for very Muslim to go through it. The Ramzan is very indispensible in its nature because of its essence spiritually, physically, socially and mentally. This month is very important because the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) received, the holy Quran verses as revelation from Allah and the first battle of Islam took place (Batte of Badar)in this month. In Quran Majeed in verses (2-183)Allah Says,O you believe fasting has been prescribed for you as it had been prescribed for those who came before you. So that you may guard yourself (against displeasing Allah).Fasting is very common practice in the other religions of the world but it could not be worthy because of its nature.In Hinduism which is one of the oldest religion in the world with a history of 4000 years ago  had history of fasting. It was called Ekadashi satyanaryan and Navatri. However Hindu fasting was usually done in the Month of Kartik.The Hindues women kept the fasting for their husbands sake .Similarly they had a ritual to eat everything even in fasting except  the things  baking in  fire. The Christians had also fasting ritual  in their religion. The Prophet Jesus(AS)fasted for 40 days before he received the Gospel. He ordered to his followers to fast 40 days but it does not happen now or very few people know about it. The other religion have also the same pattern like Buddhism, janism and Taoism however no religion had a concept like Islam which is the only, way to build close relation with Allah and fasting  according to standard procedures universally. The thirty days in Ramzan plays  crucial role in building conviction  in Allah, killing of lust and power while abandon every act to be played on the guidelines and directives of Allah and his Messenger  Mohammad (PBUH) directives.It is actually understanding the myth of life and submission to Allah wills  to whom we all shall go back after death.However, besides fasting Ramzan plays important role psychologically, physiologically and scientifically and research on Ramzan is still in process. Although, the theme of the Roza  is to understand clearly the issues and problems of starvation due  to poverty and one may realize the true pain of poor’s. The month of Ramazan tell us how can the poor should be help? In Surah Al-Baqra Allah says in Ayayt no 183,Those who believes in Allah, fasting  is duty ,on you as it was obligatory on the nations before you, So that you become asceticism. In Europe and most part of Asia even the month of Ramzan is welcome with great respect. The prices of daily commodities could be minimized and even in some countries food items could be supplied without any charges. The countries like Germany, Canada has credit to honor the Ramzan packages with special discount for the Muslim community. Some countries Heads even attend the Muslim Aftari and feel happiest moments with Muslim communities in the Mosques. Unfortunately in the Muslim countries majority of the Muslims turn the Month of Ramzan very expensive and troublesome for others. The prices of daily commodities go high and maximum of traders earn money through illegal practices.The Month of Ramzan is so pious and so honorable for the Muslims that they, kept all the routine activities suspended .The fasting practices made the Muslims strong in beliefs and simple in habits as well. It shows the world how the Muslims worship in Allah could enhanced their beliefs to understand that only, Alalh could forgive our sins and broader the range of our sight and  vision to understand and know him as the creator of the world and hereafter.In the honour of month of Ramzan the Evils and Wicked bondaged could be sent to  cages so that Muslims could worship Allah freely.

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