What are the chances of an early general election?

Journalist and analyst Benazir Shah says there was already a camp within the ruling party that wanted early elections, but they were cast away.

“Once again we can hear voices from within PML-N calling for early elections. However, none of the parties allied with PML-N can agree on elections before October 2023. ”

Ms. Shah believes that the Punjab results clearly show that the PTI is on the rise.

She says, “Imran Khan managed to secure this victory for his party without the help of the military, without the businessmen who had previously funded his campaign, and without a major electoral candidate in his camp.” stay.” Without [those who have a reliable vote bank],” she says.

But she also cautioned against reading too much into the results and interpreting them as a the bell ringer for the rest of the country.

“While PTI’s favor is on the rise, the real referendum on where PML-N stands in Punjab will be possible only in the general elections.”