
PM Imran Khan recommends book on ‘dirty money’ for your November reading


ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan on Sunday made a must-read recommendation for the month of November.

The book, Capitalism’s Achilles Heel, is authored by Raymond W Baker.

According to the prime minister: “It is an eye-opening account of how white collar criminals, businessmen and politicians illegally launder their dirty money and how it affects individuals, institutions and countries.”

PM Imran Khan has long maintained that money laundering and corruption are the biggest contributors to the economic crises faced by Pakistan.

The foremost priority of his government is to put a stop to the flight of illegally obtained capital from Pakistan to “tax havens” for laundering.

In September this year, while addressing the United Nations International Financial Accountability, Transparency and Integrity (FACTI) panel, he called upon countries he termed “tax havens” to “adopt decisive actions” and return wealth looted from developed countries.

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