
Covid-19 kills at least 100, infects over 10,000 frontline warriors in Pakistan


ISLAMABAD: National Institute of Health shared its exhaustive data on Wednesday recording all the frontline warriors in the pandemic outbreak who unfortunately contracted Covid-19 themselves while fighting it for the masses.

Well over 10,000 health workers have tested Covid positive in Pakistan since the global pandemic broke out in Pakistan, the report said, while adding that 100 of them have died due to the infection as well.

The report said a total of 10,464 health workers have so far tested positive out of which 6560 are doctors whose tests detected the viral pathogen.

On the other hand, 1249 nurses and total 2655 of hospital staffers across Pakistan have been plagued with this virus so far according to NIH.

NIH report also recorded the data of complicated cases amongst the health workers citing 594 of the reported cases are still in isolation while 90 of them are receiving medical treatment at present.

Total 9680 have recovered from the virus so far, the all-encompassing report asserted.

The report underscored the fatalities due to Covid-19 in each region as well noting 34 health workers in the Sindh province died due to novel coronavirus followed with 25 fatalities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and 14 deaths in Punjab.

In Azad Kashmir, 6 frontline warriors succumbed to Covid-19 and in Balochistan province the mortality number stood at 8, while Islamabad Capital Territory noted 10 health workers fall. Three health warriors in Gilgit-Baltistan region passed away because of Covid as well.

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