
“Modern Nationalism and Ideology Bacha Khan”


Written by : Tariq Khan Yousafzai

Bacha Khan Baba, the founder of the Khudai Khidmatgar movement and the great Mujahid of the subcontinent, who was the greatest advocate of the ideology of nationalism, had a clear glimpse of Pakhtun nationalism in his movement. Leave India and give the Indian people the right to form a government completely free from foreign domination on Indian soil in which all ethnic, linguistic, regional and religious groups of India are given proportional representation and all Groups should work together for the development of India and the betterment of the living standards of the people. In addition, the second and most important goal of the Khudai Khidmatgar movement, which was based on Pakhtun nationalism, Bacha Khan was a broad-minded man changing the world. He was keeping a close eye on the situation. He was perceiving the social, economic, educational and industrial development of other nations with his foresight and foresight. On the other hand, the backwardness of the Pakhtun nation was in front of him at a time when other nations And in the field of social development Attempts to get ahead of each other were pleasing. In comparison, the example of the Pakhtun nation was like that of a Shatrabe Mahar. On the one hand, there was no leader among the Pashtuns at that time who could lead the nation in the right direction. The Pashtun nation, on the other hand, was self-inflicted and scattered internally due to disagreements. They had neither the political consciousness nor the sense that all Pashtuns should unite without any differences and work together to achieve the goals of political, educational, economic and social development and, like other nations with the changing times. The main objective of Bacha Khan’s movement was to end the hypocrisy of the Pashtun nation and to be on par with other developed nations of the world in economic, social, educational and scientific fields. He taught the Pashtun nation patriotism and nationalism but at the same time taught them to refrain from hatred and prejudice against the language, race and regional affiliation of other nations. He did not try. He taught the Pakhtuns to be proud of their language and culture but did not teach them to despise or hate others. He was happy to get the constitutional and legal rights of the Pakhtuns but never tried to take the law into his own hands. Instead of fighting others, they waged a war like Pakhtun’s against non-violence He taught. He did not conspire with any non-nation for personal gain but for the benefit of the nation. He talked and cooperated with everyone. He spent most of his life in jails but never put his nation to the test for his own convenience. Dalwai also advised the children of Pakhtuns to read and write. He tried his best for their education and training. On the other hand, today’s Muhajir, Pakhtun, Sindhi and Baloch nationalist leaders whose nationalism begins with hatred and abuse of others and the result is that they would go to the ground of the rights of the nation. The nation always has to suffer instead of benefit. The ideology of modern nationalist leaders is different from the ideology of nationalism and the ideology of Bacha Khan is the difference between earth and sky. Bacha Khan’s thinking was based on collectivism. There was no room for prejudice, hatred and anarchy In contrast, the political behavior of modern nationalist leaders is based on ulterior motives. It would be better for all nationalist leaders who are truly striving for the development of the nation to go beyond their nationalist ideology and follow Bacha Khan’s ideology of nationalism. So hopefully this will prove to be a peaceful, non-partisan path to the development of all nations and the peaceful realization of constitutional rights.

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