
Fine imposed on shopkeepers for overcharging in Ramadan

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Assistant Commissioner Mirpur Sardar Abdul Qadir took a unique approach to ensure price control during the holiday on Sunday. He along with SHO City Wasim Nawaz, in plainclothes, drove around different markets of the city in a private vehicle, posing as ordinary customers. They checked the quality and prices of food items in Ramadan and bought goods from shopkeepers who were charging fair prices.
11 shops were sealed and 5 shopkeepers were arrested for charging more than the rates set by the price control. They were fined heavily for their illegal profiteering. AC Mirpur stressed the importance of preventing arbitrary inflation by shopkeepers during Ramadan and emphasized that checking could be carried out at any time of the day.
He urged citizens to play their part in reporting shopkeepers who charge above the prescribed rates, as it is their duty to ensure the supply of food items remains uninterrupted. Overall, this effort was a crucial step in ensuring fair pricing and availability of essential goods during the holy month of Ramadan.

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