
Kashmiri people wants UNSC resolutions’ implementation, instead of railway lines:PeH

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Muzaffarabad: Chairman Pasban-e-Hurriyat Jammu and Kashmir Uzair Ahmed Ghazali has said that the network of railway tunnels and roads in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir is to strengthen its military grip in the region.

In a statement issued here on Tuesday, he said that Narendra Modi’s government has proven itself as an enemy of Kashmir by taking away their homes and lands by force.

While expressing concern over Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s proposed visit in the valley, Ghazali said that earlier, Modi has visited the internationally recognized disputed state under the surveillance of hundreds of soldiers.

“Modi is constantly trying to mislead the world about its sensitivity and importance”, adding that the most long-standing issue of the people is right to self-determination, for which they have been struggling for the past 76 years is still unresolved.

He said that India is using railway tunnels and roads to facilitate military movement in the disputed state and to move war equipment towards LOC more quickly.

Uzair said that the Kashmiri people are not going to be influenced by the visits of Indian rulers.

“Kashmiri people know very well that the Bharatiya Janata Party government under the leadership of Narendra Modi has taken away their homes, their land and their basic rights of freedom”, he maintained.

“Now, in the name of development, prosperity and so-called peace established at gunpoint conspiracies are being laid to influence the Kashmiri people”, he added.

He said that the same Narendra Modi had announced 80 thousand crores Indian rupees for the construction and development of the state in November 2015, but the BJP after being in power have even usurped the basic human, political, social and all other kinds of rights of innocent citizens.

He said that despite the Indian coercion, neither the Kashmiri people have given up their demand for freedom nor are they accepting the Indian military rule.

Ghazali appealed the international organisations to take notice of unpleasant situation in IIOJ&K and play their role for the implementation of the resolutions of UNSC before long.

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