
The humanitarian crisis in Palestine in the last six months:

Prof. Dr. Syed Mohsin Ali

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How and why has the world let the Palestinians down?

The Palestinians are facing daily persecution under the Israeli Zionist government, resulting in the loss of innocent lives and the infringement of basic human rights. Despite the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing, the world has failed to take meaningful action to defend and support the Palestinian cause, highlighting the ongoing failure of the global community.

World powers have failed Palestinians by not condemning Israeli atrocities, including killing civilians and destroying homes and infrastructure, allowing Israel to continue its aggression and violence against the Palestinian people. This lack of action and accountability is a significant failure, but it is also a contribution.

The United Nations, a global body tasked with promoting so-called human rights, has failed Palestinians by failing to hold Israel accountable for its actions, even when violations of international law have been committed. The Security Council has not taken any meaningful action to stop the Israeli genocide and ethnic cleansing, allowing Israel to continue its repressive policies without fear of consequences.

The mainstream media’s biased and one-sided coverage of the Palestinian conflict has led to the portrayal of the struggle as a mere conflict rather than an ongoing genocide against an oppressed people, undermining the Palestinian narrative and making it difficult to gain global support for their cause.

The global economic and military support for Israel has exacerbated the ongoing Palestinian genocide, with countries like the US, UK, Germany, France, Canada, and others contributing billions in aid and military equipment, thereby enabling Israel to strengthen its military might and carry out its violent actions against Palestinians.

Arab nations, despite being geographically close, have shown only ineffective verbal support for Palestinians, maintaining neutral or pro-Israel stances due to their own regional and power-seeking interests. This has allowed Israel to continue its aggression and oppression without significant consequences.

The international community must take action against Israel’s actions and seek justice for the Palestinian people. It is time for the world to take a stand against Israeli genocide.

As reported by the BBC, UNICEF, the United Nations (UN), Al-Jazeera, and all other international sources, what happened in Palestine during the past six months, from October 2023 to April 2024?

Over the past six months, 15 million Palestinians have been displaced, living without water, food, or shelter, and many have died due to thirst, hunger, and continuous bombardment.Out of 46,000 Palestinian deaths in six months, over 13,000 infants and newborns have been killed by Israel and its allies, and over ten million people are suffering from starvation and diseases due to the use of deadly chemicals and phosphorus bombings. Over 60% of the city’s buildings have been demolished, leading to a siege on water, food, and medical aid, killing more than 104 humanitarian workers trying to provide aid to Palestinians.

Here is the brief list to which the world has turned a blind eye:

  1. Airstrikes on civilian areas and the destruction of vital infrastructure. House demolitions, leaving families homeless and without shelter in harsh and extreme conditions even in the holy month of Ramadan. Israel has been destroying Palestinian cultural sites, including historical monuments and places of worship, erasing Palestinian history and identity.
  2. Targeting children and women. Israeli snipers have targeted and killed unarmed Palestinians, including Muslims and some non-Muslims, during the demonstrations against Israeli genocide. Palestinian children are often arrested, detained, and abused by Israeli soldiers, with many facing physical and psychological trauma.
  3. Blocking of humanitarian aid. Imposing a blockade on Gaza, leading to a humanitarian crisis. Obstruction of humanitarian aid and assistance to Palestinian communities. Violence and harassment against international human rights workers and activists. Targeting of Palestinian cultural events and festivals. Targeting of Palestinian cultural centers and NGOs.
  4. Illegal settlement expansion in the West Bank in violation of so-called international law.
  5. Military raids, arrests, and torture spread terror. Use of live ammunition against peaceful protesters.
  6. Denial of access to water, forcing them to rely on contaminated water or purchase expensive water from Israeli companies, fuels this genocide.
  7. Use of banned weapons such as white phosphorus and other chemicals. Israeli forces have sprayed Palestinian homes with a foul-smelling liquid known as ‘skunk water.
  8. Disrupting the education of thousands of Palestinian children.
  9. Obstruction of medical services and attacked medical personnel and ambulances, preventing them from reaching and treating injured Palestinians.
  10. Deportation of Palestinians: Israel has unlawfully deported Palestinians from their homes and families, separating them from their loved ones, and millions of them have taken refuge in other countries.
  11. The destruction of olive trees by Israeli authorities, depriving them of their livelihoods.
  12. An attack on a power plant caused a widespread blackout, further worsening the humanitarian crisis in the region.
  13. Destruction of agricultural land: Israel has destroyed Palestinian agricultural land, depriving farmers of their livelihoods and causing food insecurity. Israel has imposed restrictions on Palestinian fishermen. Palestinian agricultural workers, preventing them from harvesting their crops and destroying their livelihoods.
  14. The violation of freedom of movement makes it challenging for Palestinians to access healthcare, education, and employment opportunities.
  15. Inhumane treatment of prisoners, including the elderly, women, and children.
  16. Israel has targeted and attacked journalists and media outlets, preventing them from reporting on the situation in Palestine.
  17. Israel’s military operations and bombings have resulted in severe environmental pollution, affecting the health and well-being of residents.
  18. Use of drones and surveillance technology to monitor and control the Palestinian population.
  19. Confiscation of Palestinian identity cards.
  20. Bulldozing of Palestinian land for the construction of the separation barrier.
  21. Imposition of strict curfews in Palestinian towns and villages.
  22. Targeting Palestinians with disabilities, hindering their access to services.
  23. Targeting of Palestinian elected officials and members of parliament.
  24. Use of military courts to prosecute Palestinian civilians, lacking basic fair trial standards. Denial of family visits to Palestinians held in prisons.
  25. Exploitation of Palestinian natural resources by Israeli companies for economic gain.

The international community has largely ignored Israel’s war crimes against Palestine or just made verbal condemnations, and few evil forces are fueling the catastrophy, allowing Israel to continue its inhumane treatment., though citizens throughout the world, regardless of gender, region, religion, or ethnicity, have been protesting against their government. It’s time for the world to demand justice and accountability for these atrocities, urging the world to open its eyes and take action.

This is by no means a complete list, as Israel has perpetrated innumerable additional war crimes during this time. The world must intervene to stop these atrocities as the death toll climbs and the pain and suffering grow worse. Justice for the Palestinian people must be served, and the occupation and continuous genocide must cease. If the world community stays silent, these crimes will go unchallenged, and injustice and impunity will prevail.




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