
DI Khan’s Gomal University ‘bans’ mix gatherings on campus

Dera Ismail Khan’s Gomal University on Thursday banned gatherings between male and female students on campus “in any ground or roads” of the varsity.

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The university issued a notice that reads, “…Gathering/coupling (male and female) is completely prohibited in any ground, roads, etc.” beyond the department’s boundaries.”

Female students were also told by the university to “be careful” and stick to their classrooms and department common areas.

Additionally, it warned that students who broke the rules would face severe punishment.

All teaching department heads, the director of administration, the registrar, and the vice chancellor’s secretary have received copies of the notification.

It is interesting to note that the notification was sent out the day after Valentine’s Day, which is on February 14.

The vice chancellor of Gomal University asserted that “security reasons” prompted the decision.

Additionally, he asserted that mixed gatherings could take place anywhere on campus, but not in the varsity parks.

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