
Gilani was beacon for all freedom fighters: President, PM AJK

• He spent the last twelve years of his life in the captivity of the cruel enemy India in the worst state of health, but his commitment to independence remained unwavering. • Syed Ali Gilani confronted oppression and tyranny with courage and bravery, and he never let his commitment to independence waver.

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Islamabad: President of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Barrister Sultan Mahmood Chaudhry, has stated that the great freedom leader, martyr Syed Ali Gilani, devoted his entire life from childhood, youth, and old age to the struggle for Pakistan. He endured the hardships of imprisonment and captivity, and for the Kashmiris, he left a message in the form of slogans as he departed from this fleeting world, saying, “We are Pakistanis, Pakistan is ours. Kashmir is Pakistan’s destination, and Kashmiris have always sacrificed their lives for the defense, security, progress, and prosperity of Pakistan.”

On the occasion of the second death anniversary of the great freedom leader Syed Ali Gilani, in his special message, the President of Azad Jammu and Kashmir said that Syed Ali Gilani was the strong voice of Pakistan in occupied Kashmir. He spent the last twelve years of his life in the captivity of the cruel enemy India in the worst state of health, but his commitment to independence remained unwavering. In times when extreme caution was needed, the savage Indian army kept a close watch on him, but they couldn’t diminish his ideological connection with Pakistan.

He stated that Syed Ali Gilani was a towering figure of steadfastness. His entire life is a testament to relentless struggle, and until his last breath, he remained committed to the mission of freedom from India. He expressed the determination that the Azad government would employ all its resources to fulfill the mission of freedom for occupied Kashmir from India and the integration of the entire state with Pakistan, completing the mission of the martyrs.
In his message, on the death anniversary of great freedom fighter Syed Ali Gilani, the Prime Minister of Azad Government of the State of Jammu and Kashmir, Chaudhry Anwar-ul-Haq, has said that Syed Ali Gilani is a shining example of bravery and steadfastness. Whenever the continuous and persistent struggle against oppression and tyranny is mentioned, the coming generations will be reminded of Syed Ali Gilani. The slogan of “We are Pakistanis, Pakistan is ours” coined by the Father of Freedom, is still the most popular slogan of occupied Kashmir.

Prime Minister Chaudhry Anwar-ul-Haq said that he salutes those who speak the truth in the face of the worst injustices in human history in occupied Kashmir. Syed Ali Gilani confronted oppression and tyranny with courage and bravery, and he never let his commitment to independence waver. The Indian injustices in occupied Kashmir continue to this day. The United Nations and human rights organizations should investigate the mass killings of Kashmiris by the Indian occupying forces and put an end to the ongoing series of oppression and brutality in occupied Kashmir.

The PM AJK said that the void created by the departure of Syed Ali Gilani cannot be filled. The Father of Freedom stood like a rock in the face of all his life’s oppressions and tyrannies, and he was a symbol of Kashmiri resistance. He said that the cry of freedom, “We are Pakistanis, Pakistan is ours,” will always resonate. He noted that the brave freedom fighter dedicated his entire life to the Kashmir freedom movement and the rights of Kashmiris, and he remained steadfast in his ideology until the end.

“Syed Ali Gilani spent most of his life imprisoned and under house arrest, but his commitment to freedom remained unwavering. His unwavering dedication to the cause of freedom is a mark of immense respect. The United Nations, ICJ, and civilized countries of the world should take note of the ongoing oppression and brutality in occupied Kashmir and play their role in ensuring the inherent right of self-determination for the Kashmiris”, The Prime Minister Azad Kashmir added.

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