
India uses water as a weapon against Pakistan: Raja Javid Iqbal

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Muzaffarabad: Chairman Jammu & Kashmir overseas council (UK) Raja Javid Iqbal strongly condemned the reign of state terrorism let loose by India in the occupied territory of Jammu & Kashmir and characterized it as a shame to humanity. He called for fair, independent and transparent inquiry into the grave human rights violations by the Indian security forces in the occupied territory.

The Chairman, called upon the international community to reject the Indian Government’s claim that Kashmir is an integral part of India. Characterizing this claim as “ridiculous” Javid pointed out that the Jammu and Kashmir dispute is recognized by the United Nations as an international dispute between two sovereign member-states. He called upon the Muslim Ummah to continue its support for the Kashmiris in their just struggle for the right of self-determination.

Javid also condemned the stated intent of India to use water as a weapon against the people of Pakistan, in flagrant violation of its international treaty obligations. He charged that such an action could only be contemplated by an irresponsible state. He added that India was pursuing the policy of destabilization and state terrorism in a neighbouring country.

He expressed Pakistan’s strong support for the right of the Kashmiris to self-determination in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions.

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