
Kashmiri delegation seeks early release of Kashmiri prisoners

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Geneva: Kashmiri delegation, headed by Altaf Hussain Wani, staged a strong protest in front of the UN office against India’s illegal occupation and systematic violations of human rights committed by Indian forces in occupied Jammu and Kashmir.
 Besides representatives of the delegation, the protest demonstration was attended and addressed by. … and others.
Referring to the fast deteriorating political and human rights situation in occupied Kashmir, the speakers sought the UN Commission’s urgent intervention to help stop bloodshed and human rights violations in the troubled region.
Highlighting the plight of Kashmiri prisoners, the speakers said that thousands of Kashmiris who were taken into preventive custody on and after 5th August were languishing in Indian jails thousands of kilometers away from their homes.
They said that dozens of Kashmiri women prisoners who have been lodged in notorious Tihar jail and other prisons were forced to face dire situations.
Indian occupying authorities, they said, have since long been using arbitrary detentions as a tool of repression against Kashmiri political leaders, civil society members, journalists, lawyers, and human rights defenders.
The Indian occupation authorities, they said, have also been using arbitrary arrests and prolonged detentions under anti-terror laws as a means to intimidate dissent and spread terror among masses in Indian-Occupied Kashmir.
Calling for early release of all illegally held prisoners, they said that it was high time that the council should raise the matter with government of India to help secure early release of all Kashmiri Hurriyat leaders including Muhammad Yasin Malik, Shabir Ahmed Shah, Mussarat Aalam Bhuat, Nayeem Khan, Asiya Indrabi and several others.
They also appealed to the UN Human Rights Council and other international human rights organizations to take effective notice of the Indian government’s totalitarian measures that seek to change the demography of the Muslim majority state and convert it into a minority.
They said the human rights situation in the occupied territory has further worsened since India’s apartheid regime revoked Article 370 and 35A in August 2019.
Terming BJP’s Hindutva ideology as a biggest threat, they said that the the Hindutva-driven politics pose a serious existential threat to Kashmiris.
They said that it was high time that the international community should raise the issues arising from the Hindutva-driven politics.
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