
Modi’s visit aimed at covering up military rule in IIOJK: Safi

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Islamabad: The All Parties Hurriyat Conference Azad Jammu and Kashmir (APHC-AJK) chapter Convener, Ghulam Muhammad Safi, has said that the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s official visit to Srinagar of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) is tantamount to rubbing salt on the injuries of the oppressed people of the territory.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Narendra Modi, who arrived in Srinagar on Thursday evening, and on Friday he officially managed 10th International Day of Yoga celebrations in Srinagar city under a ring of foolproof security.

He said Modi’s visit was a political drama aimed at promoting Hindutva agenda by communalising the situation in the territory. He said by such political gimmick, Indian government is trying to cover up the military rule and grave situation in occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

He along with Amit Shah is the mastermind of Articles 370 and 35A abrogation, which snatched away the basic rights of people and gave a free hand to the Indian forces to silence the political voices in Jammu and Kashmir with brute force.

The APHC-AJK Convener made it clear that the illegal detention of thousands of people of Jammu and Kashmir, including APHC leadership, attachment of properties and land and other anti-Kashmir moves of Indian government and his collaborates in IIOJK, would be frustrated. He added that no one would be allowed to suppress the Kashmiris’ righteous political demand for right to self-determination.

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