
Social cognition


By: Amna Noor

Why we get mental illness ?what are the causes behind a mental illness? Let first understand what is a mental process and action. Mental processes mean what we think understand, our experiences and sense. Cognition is a process through which we study mind and how we think. Learning is a great example of cognition. The way our brain makes connection to learn and remember something in different way. Our ability to give reason through logic is a prime example of cognition. What is social cognition or social psychology? Social cognition is a sub theme of social psychology which focuses on how people process, store and apply information about other people and social situations. Basically the areas of social psychology which focuses on how people think about others and social world is called social cognition.
The one who study social cognition knows how people make senses of themselves and others to make judgements, forms attitude, and make predictions about the future. Revolting biology, social cognition includes processes such as learning and memory in a social context . For example imagine that you are getting ready to go to a blind date. you will worry about your Impressions and signals that you will send to other person but you are also concerned with interpreting the signal is given by your date. What is unconsciousness mind? The unconscious mind is a mind in which feelings, hidden memories, habits , thoughts, desire’s and reactions are store in the enormous reservoir. Memories, emotions, embarrassing, funny , shameful moments make up the unconscious mind.
In an unconscious mind processes occurs automatically, and are not available to introspection and includes thoughts processes, memory interest and motivations. Unconscious as the name shows, is the aspect of consumer behavior that is unknown to consumer . for example many brand affect the psyche of customer in a manner that they won’t know the reason yet prefer the product. Unconscious also called subconscious, the complex of mental activities with in an individual that proceed without his awareness.
Unconsciousness phenomena is a mental phenomena which there possesses cannot introspect, not only at the moment when phenomena occur but even when prompted. More technically social cognition refers to how people deal with conspecific (member of the same species) or even across species (such as pet). Social psychology, social cognition refers to a specific approach in which processes are studied according to the methods of cognitive psychology and information processing theory. There are also many factors that can affect the cognition of an individual in a social context or with any particular family. And some of these factors are Genetics, the past experiences, and the level of the stress, the nutrition other peers and many other factors . Cognitive bias is a error in a thinking that occurs when people are interpreting and processing information around them in the world and affects the decisions and judgements they make. Cognition biases are the attempts of our brain to simplify information processing. Some cognitive biases are related to memory and some might be related to problems with attention.
For example if you are walking down a dark alley and saw a shadow that seems to be following you , a cognitive bias give a single to your mind to assume that it is a mugger and that you need to exit the alley as quickly as possible. The Dark Shadow may have simply been caused by a flag waving in the breeze, but relying on a mind can often get you out of the way of danger situations where decisions need to be made quickly. Social cognition in childhood? Social cognition which also mean emotional intelligence play a major role in the development of child’s mind .
It tells us that how the environment can affect the development of the skills of children. Now a days 3 to 4 year old child can understand everything. Children who become aware of their own and other people emotions motives, desire describes, and predict people mental state thoughts wants and feelings. How infants response to various form of social stimulation at different stages of development? If we carefully control and monitor the form of social stimulation that is presented to infants at different ages, then we can observe, their responses , and can learn that how infants understand the social world. Perhaps human faces and their expression and voices are the most effective way of capturing a young infants attention. In order to understand social cognition we should try not to think that if I did this, this would happen.
Never try to think that what people would say just do whatever you like and in which your mind is satisfied. We need to understand not just how the mind works to perceive, remember and think and talk about other people and the environment in which we meet them. we also need to understand the social forces that operate outside the mind, and how these organization, Institutions , societies and cultures operate cognitively. Almost from birth infants are very sensitive to the behavior of their parents and other people and from very early in life they Crave social attention.
Development in the social cognition of infants is dependent upon regular and reliable social interaction that is keyed to the Infant development stages. It is essential that social development in infants through the first two year is supported by the consistent joint activities like playing games etc.

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