27 October is considered the most tragic day and the darkest chapter in the painful history of Kashmir.
It was the day in 1947 when India emerged as a colonial power, usurped the land and enslaved
kashmiris against their will. The darkness of this day continues to stretch after the passage of 77 long
years. Kashmiris rejected this occupation and launched a resistance movement which continues till
date. It was the stuff resistance which forced India to take the issue to the United Nations . The UN after
long deliberations passed a historic resolution on 5 January 1949 and promised the right to selfdetermination to kashmiris. This resolution was followed by over a dozen resolutions by UNSC but no
practical step was taken to implement these resolutions . The UN apathy emboldened India and it
reneged on its pledges. 77 long years have passed but Kashmir are still waiting for justice.
The deceitful occupation of Kashmir by India was followed by massacre of over five thousand Muslims
in Jammu in the first week of November in 1947. It was a catastrophe,a holocaust and the worst
massacre of human history .
The Jammu massacre was carried out by Dogra army with the help of Indian forces and Hindu
extremists which was aimed at to change the demography of Jammu and wipe out Muslims. Thousands
of Muslims were butchered mercilessly by Hindu mobs and thousands were forced to migrate during
this pre planned and premeditated tragedy.
The genocidal campaign that started in 1947 continues unabated even today with the similar evil
intention to wipe out Muslims and occupy their land.
During the past 35 years Indian troops engaged in systematic genocide of kashmiris and have eliminated
over one hundred thousand people irrespective of age and gender. Over one million trigger happy and
brutal occupation forces have not only converted Kashmir into a vast jail but are also committing
heinous and horrible crimes against hapless kashmiris. These dark and dreaded forces equipped with
sweeping powers under AFSPA and other draconian laws since 1989 have killed over one thousand
kashmiris,crippled thousand of kashmiris through brutal and humiliating torture. Over ten thousand
kashmiris have disappeared during custody ,and hundreds have been injured and blinded through
firing,pepper guns,pellet guns and other lethal weapons. With the view to paralyze kashmiris
economically over five hundred thousand houses,shops and other shelters have been blasted or turned
to qadhed by occupation forces. Rape of women is as a weapon to criminalize, humiliate and intimidate
freedom loving people . Since 1989 Indian devil forces have raped over 13 thousand kashmiri women
irrespective of age. Due to Indian state terrorism Kashmir has become land of widows and orphans .
Over 40 thousand women have been widowed and more than 5 hundred thousand children orphaned
since 1989.
Due to these horrible crimes paradise like Kashmir valley has become a mourning center, graveyard ,
rubble and a waste land and death and destruction has become the destiny for poor inhabitants.
Abrogation of special status of disputed territory by the RSS fascist Modi regime on 5 August 2019 is
yet another tragic episode of Kashmir history . It is the worst attack on Kashmiris unique Muslim
identity, culture, and natural resources. It is a ploy to Safranise kashmiris and deprive them of remaining
The colonial occupation of J&K which began with the illegal landing of Indian troops in Srinagar on Oct
27, 1947 has been consolidated by the Modi regime. August 5, 2019, actions were the decisive step in
the colonization of Kashmir. The RSS and BJP have long envisioned the colonization of IIOJK. India is
systematically advancing settler colonialism in IIOJK through new laws. Modi is following the Israeli
model to push his settler-colonial agenda in the disputed region. By revoking Article 370, Modi has
removed barriers for non-locals to settle in IIOJK. As part of its settler-colonial strategy, India is altering
the demographic landscape of IIOJK by settling non-Kashmiri Hindus. It has already issued domiciles to
thousands of Indian Hindus with the intention to settle them permanently in the region. Kashmiri land is
confiscated and allotted to these fanatics and they are trained and armed to pave the way for 1947 like
the massacre of Muslims. Muslim employees are terminated and Hindutva elements are appointed on
higher posts and voting rights have been given to non-state Hindus to disempower and disenfranchise
Kashmiri Muslims. These all conspiracies are hatched to grab land, deprive them of everything,enslave
and force them to migrate.
RSS regime led by Modi has declared a full fledged war against Kashmiris. It’s all institutions which
include army ,parliament, civil administration , spy and probe agencies are hell bent to force kashmiris
into submission. Irony of the fate is that same elements who were responsible for the systemstic
genocide of 1947 are now in power and imposing Hindutva culture on kashmiris and ethnic cleansing of
kashmiris is their long cherished goal. It is the manifesto of RSS to wipe out Muslims, revive Hindu
culture in Kashmir. The campaign to annihilate Muslims, seize their land and resources and impose
Hindutva culture in the region is the dream of fascist Modi regime. Modi being the member of RSS is
hellbent to implement this devilish Hindu supremacists ideology in Kashmir.
In this critical phase when Kashmiris face existential threat and lives,honor ,identity and everything is at
stake Kashmiris and their sympathizers must get united to fight Hindutva terrorism and save kashmiris
from total extinction or annihilation.
Pakistan Islamic countries and those countries who believe in humanity and supremacy of human dignity
and rights must take urgent and practical steps for the resolution of this long standing issue. India is
trampling in the evening under jackboots like Zionist state is doing in Palestine. Stopping bloodshed of
Muslims and destruction in Palestine and Kashmir is the need of the hour. The criminal silence by the
world on Zionist and Hindutva terrorism in Palestine and Kashmir is criminal. Those who remain
indifferent to this situation are partners of crime as said by Martin Luther king
“The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by
good people.”
Note: (The writer of this article is Insaf party vice chairman and APHC AJK leader)