
Anxiety in Teens and young adults


By : Zahra Batool

In Simple terms, FOMO stands for “fear of missing out.” FOMO, which was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2013, refers to that nervous or anxious feeling a person gets when they realize they are not attending a social event either because they were not invited or they just did not feel like going.
Social media provides a great platform to remain in touch with your family and friends.Nojust that it’s a place for entertainment ,funs ,current affairs and knowledge.All you have to do is scroll and you will get to know about your friends as well as what’s happening around the globe.
Apart of all this, Addiction to social media leads to increased anxiety and depression especially in teens and young adults. Fomo or the fear of missing out , has become a pattern in today’s world .It is an undeniably real phenomenon fostered by social media use.Whenever, i find my mind wandering and unfavorably comparing what I’ am doing with someone else’s, this quote from a wise man’s float into my head “Comparison is the thief of joy”.In case you are not aware with this term,Fomo is that niggling anxiety that arises when you feel that people are excited and something interesting is happening in their lives while you are at home paying bills and completing daily chores .It seem to exacarbate feelings that others are having more fun or living better lives than you are ,that leads to feeling of anxiety and depression that may even results in suicide attempts.
Another important reason that is amazing people anxious and depressed is phubbing.It’s an act of snuggling someone in a social settings by concentrating on Teens use social media everyday to connect with friends, follow their favorite celebrities and overall stay in the loop, when this is taken away from them, the feeling of anxiety can begin to set in. This is problematic in itself, as it can “interfere with school work and everyday life,” and also keeps kids from interacting with their family and friends using conversations in real life. Young teenagers aren’t the only people affected by this. A survey taken shows that 44% of young adults reported using social media in a problematic way, and that the frequency in which they are using social media may be contributing to this.one’s phone instead of talking to the person directly.This negatively impacts relationship with people living around you .Also , science proves that anxiety is reduced by one to one communication as compared to interacting on social media.Too much time spent scrolling through social media can result in symptoms of anxiety and/or depression. Here’s how social media can be destructive: on likes: The need to gain “likes” on social media can cause teens to make choices they would otherwise not make, including altering their appearance, engaging in negative behaviors, and accepting risky social media challenges.Cyberbullying: Teens girls in particular are at risk of cyberbullying through use of social media, but teen boys are not immune. Cyberbullying is associated with depression, anxiety, and an elevated risk of suicidal thoughts .Making comparisons: Though many teens know that their peers share only their highlight reels on social media, it’s very difficult to avoid making comparisons. Everything from physical appearance to life circumstances to perceived successes and failures are under a microscope on social media.Having too many fake friends: Even with privacy settings in place, teens can collect thousands of friends through friends of friends on social media. The more people on the friend list, the more people have access to screenshot photos, Snaps, and updates and use them for other purposes. There is no privacy on social media.Less face time: Social interaction skills require daily practice, even for teens. It’s difficult to build empathy and compassion (our best weapons in the war on bullying) when teens spend more time “engaging” online than they do in person. Human connection is a powerful tool and builds skills that last a lifetime.
There’s a happy medium in here somewhere. The key to helping teens learn to balance social media with real life friendships is to keep the lines of communication open and keep talking. Honest communication shows your teen that you are there to support, not to judge or lecture. It’s also important to walk the walk. Disconnect on weekends and show your teen that there is a whole world out there that doesn’t require a handheld screen. She may miss her phone a lot less than she thinks she will and this is a very good lesson to learn.So, never try to alter yourself or shape your life so that it looks like other people’s lives,because you have your life and you are your unique individual,and it’s about embracing that. Fill your life with meaningful activities and limit the time spending on social media.And stay away from this manufactured version of reality and embrace the real lives.

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