
APHC AJK elects Ghulam Muhammad Safi as new convener

Adv Parvaiz Ahmed and Mushtaq Ahmed Butt as General secretary and Secretary information respectively

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Islamabad: Ghulam Muhammad Safi has been elected as the new Convener of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference Azad Jammu and Kashmir (APHC-AJK) chapter. In addition to Safi’s election, Advocate Parvaiz Ahmed has been chosen as the General Secretary, and Mushtaq Ahmed Butt has been appointed as the Information Secretary.

According to the Kashmir Media Service, the election took place at the APHC-AJK office in Islamabad and saw the participation of all Hurriyat units. This event marks a significant milestone as it is the second election held since the unification of all Hurriyat factions in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

Ghulam Muhammad Safi, a seasoned leader with a longstanding commitment to the Kashmir cause, takes on the leadership role at a critical juncture. His election reflects the collective decision of the various Hurriyat units to entrust him with the responsibility of steering the movement in Azad Jammu and Kashmir.

Advocate Parvaiz Ahmed, the newly elected General Secretary, brings a wealth of legal expertise and experience to the table. His role will be crucial in navigating the legal and political challenges faced by the APHC-AJK.

Mushtaq Ahmed Butt, as the Information Secretary, will be responsible for managing the communication and dissemination of information related to the Hurriyat’s activities and policies. His task will involve ensuring that the message of the APHC-AJK reaches both domestic and international audiences effectively.

In their inaugural address, the newly elected APHC-AJK team expressed a deep sense of commitment to the Kashmir cause. They pledged to honor the sacrifices of thousands of martyrs who have laid down their lives in the struggle for freedom. The team emphasized their dedication to working tirelessly towards achieving the ultimate goal of freedom for the people of Kashmir from Indian occupation.

The team also reiterated their resolve to keep the spirit of resistance alive, ensuring that the candle of freedom continues to burn brightly. They called upon the international community to support their cause and recognize the legitimate aspirations of the Kashmiri people for self-determination.

This election underscores the unity and determination within the APHC-AJK to push forward with their agenda despite the challenges. The leadership changes are expected to infuse new energy into the movement, reinforcing their commitment to achieving their long-standing goal of freedom for Kashmir.

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