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Nida Anwar NOW-A-DAYS: Nowadays anxiety is experienced at a spiritual and psychological level, it is scientifically measurable at the molecular level and the physiological level. It is produced by nature and it is


Written By: MEHTAB KHALIQ Mental health problems, also called Mental Health Disorders, refers to a wide range of mental health conditions, disorders that affect your mood, thinking and behavior. Examples of mental illness include

Marginalized Segments Children of Lesser God?

By: Iffat Farooq The hardest marginalization and social exclusion is lived by Nesha Rao, a transgender woman, who earned her law degree by begging for ten years on the streets of metropolitan of Karachi. Now she is working as an

Child Labour

By: Maheen Ahmad Children are future citizens of the Nation and their adequate development is utmost priority of the country. Unfortunately, child labor engulfs children across the world. The world is home to 1.2 billion individuals

Science of shyness

By: Wardah Haider The article is about the shyness. The science of shyness means that there are certain reasons for shyness and that are related to the psychology of a person. The shyness is one of the form of anxiety and there is a

Optical Illusions

By: Rimsha Dar Illusions are perception that does not relate to actual happenings or that is different from reality. When we see different things in our surrounding we take them as we look them but some of the things or objects are

Green Tea: A Zero Calorie Beverage on Planet

By: Muhammad Parvaiz Tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world second to water. Green, black and oolong are the three main varieties of tea. The source of all these varieties is a common plant named as Camellia sinesis. This

Depression is a disease not a stigma

By: Sazain Malik Now a days, we are very likely to hear that one of the three people is suffering from depression. People of our society does not take mental illnesses as a serious health issue. They ignore the symptoms and make the

Psychological Disorders, Diagnosis and Types

By:Zainab hussain What exactly is a psychological disorder? How is a psychological disorder diagnosed? Defining exactly what constitutes a psychological disorder can be tricky and, definitions have changed over time.The first problem is

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