
Elections and people’s problems

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Different political parties have kicked off their election campaign. The politicians came to the arena with the same old slogans and the false promises which the people are hearing right from the beginning, at every election held in the history of the country.

In Pakistan major part of the politics is based upon either the blame game against the political opponents or tall claims and untruthful pledges. People know well that the leaders are telling lie to them but even then they vote for them.

As a matter of fact, the politics in Pakistan revolves around the specific personalities, who are the heads of political parties. The people follow their favourite leaders and also vote for their parties without judging their past performance.

Now the candidates would go to every nook and corner of the country. They will attend every marriage ceremony and each funeral for the next 15 days to hoodwink the people. The politicians would behave like there is no one world who has sympathy in their hearts for the people, but as the result of the elections would announce, they would vanish from the scene. Most of them do not even like to shake hands with the common man after the elections.

But the simpleton people are being stitched up by the sharp minded politicians every time at the time of elections. After coming to power they forget the problems of the people. Most of the political leaders belong to the higher elite class of the society and they don’t even know exactly about the difficulties that the common man faces every day.

On one side, the leaders, after coming to power, get countless lucrative benefits. They lead lavish lives as they belong to the royal family and the most interesting factor is that they bear all their personal expenses from the national exchequer. If they feel a light temperature, then they go abroad for treatment and on the other hand the common man cannot get even a tablet at government hospitals. Neither they can get proper healthcare amenities at the public sector hospitals nor their children get quality education at the government schools. The portable water is not available even for the large portion of the papulation. The road infrastructure in most parts of the country is almost unusable.

The clever political leaders deceive people on the occasion of every poll on the name of resolving the public’s issues but after elections, the problems of meek common man are increased with the passage of time.

The corruption and extravagant lifestyle of the political leadership are the main cause that the problems of the common man are not resolved as the lion’s share of the budget goes waste either in corruption, which is spread out from top to bottom in every field of the country. The corrupt rulers put the nation on the mercy of different mafias, which are sucking the blood of the people and the leaders get their due portion from these mafias.

This time the people should think twice before casting their vote, because the ballot can bring real change in Pakistan. There is an old saying that vote is like a drop of water, if it goes into a seashell, it would turn into pearl, but the same drop would go in the mouth of a serpent, it would become poison.

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