
Homeless People


By : Hira waheed

By : Hira waheed
This article highlights homelessness as a social issue that exists in many societies and countries around the world. This issue has become one of the biggest issue whose facing the world. This article addresses some of the causes,consequences and the problems of homeless people. The two main reasons for homelessness;lack of learning among homeless people and the use of drugs and alcohol. The disease in homeless people is considered the most important effects of homelessness. As for the problems suffered by homeless persons,the three most important things which are poverty,hunger and loneliness
Life has alot of good and bad affairs. However,people always look for a better. Therefore,they like just the nice affairs that help them to develop and give a beautiful and gracious life. One the other hand,there arebad affairs which make people unhappywhen they see them,so they feel uncomfortable. As a result,life become more difficult. One of those affairs is homelessness. Homelessness exists in all countries in the world. Therefore,it is known that homelessness is the biggest social problem which the whole world faces.
Education is the most important recuirement for everybody to get a good job and live a dignified life. Otherwise,the existence will be omplicated for him or her. Without education,the homeless people,especially children,will not have the opportunity to acquire important life skills. However,one of the main reasons of homelessness is lack of education. Homeless people are very poor,so they cannot afford the costs for their studies. They just look for the life even that they barely find food for themselves. Also,transportation is one of the barriers. Homeless families live in place away from the schools and they are unstable in specific shelters. There were 38 percent canadians saying that training is too expensive,and they could not afford the cost. This percentage is high for people who are not homeless. So,absolutly percentage of homeless people is higher,because they are poorer than the others.
On the other causes for homelessness is addiction, where the vast majority of homeless people use drugs and alcohol. 91 percent of homeless people use alcohol,and 88 percent of them use different kinds of drugs.This means that 9 percent only of homeless people use neither drugs nor alcohol. These percentages are high extremely. There is a close relationship between using drugs or alcohol and homelessness. Among the most vulnerable groups in our society are the homeless people who suffering from drugs,alcohol and mental disorders. One of these motives is that they live in a bad psychological condition. Homeless people face poverty and hunger even that some of them do not have food. Therefore,they look for anything that makes them forget about their living situation which they suffer from. So,they suppose that drinking helps them to glad and forget about their responsibilities. In addition,it is easy for people who use drgs,alcohol or both to be homeless. For example,it is possible for addicted people to sale their houses,cars or anything which has a value for them to get money and buy drugs. This is because they need to take drugs by anyway. As a result,homelessness may tend to addiction and addiction could tend to homelessness. In addition,the majority of homeless people do not have families and they lost anything in the life,so they feel that their life is empty. Therefore,they do not care about anything. Some of them look at homeless contempt look and disrespect them.For example,when a homeless person stays around a street and says hello to someone walks around him or her,the other person ignores him or her disberately. In addition,diseases are of main effects for homeless people. Most of them have health problems. They suffer from diseases because of several reasons. One of these reasons is that they do not care about their personal hygiene.
Homeless people have alot of issues which they have to deal with patience. Poverty is one of these issues. They do not have money to buy food for him or her or for family. Where the most of them do not have jobs and find it difficult to gets job. Most instittions and companies do not accept them because of lack of education. Also,some homeless people do not have the motivation for work. Poverty is the core cause for homeless people. This issue is very important,so it necessary to solve it. There are many solutions for this issue.
In addition,homeless youth suffer from psychological symptoms such as depression,anxiety and behavioral disorders at high rates. One of the is voilence. Voilence is most of dangerous crime for all people,because often,it leads to death. Homelessness is isolating. Many people become homeless because of the lose of a loved one or a relationship breakdown. Homelessness is depressing. Rates of depression and sucide among homeless people are much higher. Mental health issues can be a reason for people becoming homeless in the first place . Being homeless can encourage and amplify anxiety,fear ,depression,slepplessness and substances use. It is clear from research that severe mental health difficulties are more prevlaant among homeless people than the general public. Most of the homeless poplation have suffered some form of trauma in their past,often in their childhood.
In conclusion,this phenomenon is like most sociak phenomenon,but it is sensitive to all social levels to the community. It is a problem that government and societies are commited to tackling more effectively each year. People shold definitely sympathize to homeless people,because with the right charities,institution,support and help.
There are plenty of ways to improve the fate of homeless people and homelessness needs alot of work to be solved. It is not so easily solved as some might expect. But,also it is not impossible. This issue is very important,so it is necessary to solve it.
There are many solutions for this issue,one ofd them is supporting charities. The charities are the nearest to homeless people for ease.

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