
In which direction wind blows ?

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A democratic process has begun, as the eighth caretaker Prime Minister of the country, Anwar-ul-Haq Kakar has assumed his new assignment.

The biggest challenge for the caretaker Prime Minister is to ensure transparent and timely elections.

It is no longer a matter of debate that the decision of the previous government to hold general elections according to the new census will delay the elections from November, so concerns also arise that the caretaker setup might be extended for a longer period than the prescribed period of 90 days in the constitution.

However, PML-N and JUI(F) hope that general elections will take place in February, while PPP is in favour of timely elections. It remains to be seen whether their optimism will continue in the coming weeks or if doubts will overshadow their hopes.

As far as the largest opposition party, Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaf is concerned, its future hangs in balance after the disqualification and punishment awarded by the court to its head, Imran Khan. It is not sure that either PTI would participate in the elections or would opt to boycott the electoral process.

Anwar-ul-Haq Kakar is an intelligent and experienced politician, despite objections raised against his candidacy, alleging that his nomination comes from the establishment but through a democratic process, his name was backed by former Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif and ex Opposition Leader Raja Riaz, that made his appointment agreeable.

Nonetheless, the success of his selection lies in the proper execution of timely and transparent elections.

An important question is whether the elections will be held on time, that constitution allows holding of elections within 90 days after the dissolution of the national assembly.

But in the recent past the nation has seen violation of the constitution as the two provincial assemblies including Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa were dissolved but the elections could not be held within the constitutional period.

It is very clear that the caretaker Prime Minister has the only mandate of holding the elections, however It will take two weeks approximately to settle down for the newly installed interim setup and after that time the nation would know that the government is moving in which direction, whether it will hold election on time in November or delay it.

Currently, both the PML-N and the PPP are waiting for the completion of the caretaker setup and the subsequent effects, following the end of the government, as their concerns have grown.

In the coming weeks, it will become evident how the politics of the included parties in the former coalition government will play out. Could difficulties increase for them? The answer to this question currently rests with the caretaker Prime Minister Anwar- ul- Haq Kakar.

Some elements in the media are voicing for the process of accountability before elections but if the caretaker PM would go after it , then the elections would definitely be delayed.

The caretaker PM should focus only on holding free, fair, transparent and timely elections in the country so that the purpose of bringing an interim setup may be served.

It is upon the caretaker Prime Minister Anwar-ul-Haq Kakar to perform his duty as mentioned in the constitution in a befitting manner, so that he may be remembered with a good name in future.

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