
PDM strikes again

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After the acute failure of the PDM led government during its 16 months’ tenure, almost the old team with the same prime minister is getting ready to take over Pakistan’s affairs once again.

The hopes of the people almost died when the results of the much awaited elections were manipulated in favour of one party and the majority was not given the chance to make the government. Now if there were little expectations left behind in the minds of people for the next government, they were finished with the announcement that less or more the same set up is being imposed on the country that was flop after the removal of PTI’s government.

People still remember how the PDM led government dropped several bombshells of inflation on them. When the nominated Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif took charge last time as PM, at first, he imposed a super tax on the electricity bill. Then his government on the directives of the International Monetary Fund had raised the price of electricity, natural gas and petroleum products excessively.

As the prices of the energy sector increased manifolds during the tenure of PDM’s led government, which disturbed the budget of the common man gravely. During the short tenure of 16 months of the PDM, it had happened for the first time in the history of Pakistan that after paying the utility bills, the common man had left with no money to continue the education of their children or to provide healthcare facilities to their ailing family members due to meager income.

During the tenure of PDM government, it looked like that there was not any writ of the government rather people felt that there was not any government in the country. The rulers had left the people on the mercy of different mafias as these cliques were running the affairs according to their own will and there was no one to retain the check and balance on them. The PDM government also failed to develop any system of controlling these cartels, which resulted in the mafias becoming stronger and stronger and the common man of the country becoming its victim. The mafias were increasing the price of daily usage items especially kitchen commodities on a daily basis and no one was there to check them.

Shahbaz Sharif’s government in the past neither could control the law and order situation in the country as terrorist’s activities had enhanced in two provinces of the country including Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, nor could it manage the economy of the country. Rather the smuggling of dollars reached its height during the tenure of PDM’s government.

The PDM’s government had broken down the myth that Shahbaz Sharif was a good administrator rather it exposed him as during his stay in the office of Prime Minister, he had desperately failed to deliver in a befitting manner or to bring good governance in the country. Shahbaz Sharif ‘s nomination by his party could be a reward of his and his cabinet’s appalling performance.

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