
President AJK asks G-20 countries to boycott conference at Srinagar

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Islamabad:President Azad Jammu and Kashmir Barrister Sultan Mehmood Chaudhry has said that it is a matter of satisfaction for Kashmiris that China has clearly said that it will not participate in the G-20 conference in Srinagar because Occupied Kashmir is a disputed territory.

He said this while giving a special interview to Voice of America, here at Kashmir House on Saturday.

The AJK President said that similarly, Turkey, Indonesia and other countries are also thinking of not participating in this conference because India wants to fulfill its nefarious ambitions by holding the G-20 conference in Srinagar.

He said that the United Nations Human Rights Commission had issued a detailed report on the atrocities in Indian held Kashmir in 2018-19. Since August 5, 2019, India has started large-scale changes in Indian occupied Kashmir and has increased the violation of human rights day by day, due to which Kashmiris are facing a serious situation.

“I have also written letters to the ambassadors of the G-20 countries posted at Islamabad, asking them not to attend the G-20 conference. I will request the 20 countries to boycott the G-20 conference in Srinagar”, he added.

Azad Jammu and Kashmir President Barrister Sultan Mehmood Chaudhry said that by holding the G-20 conference in Srinagar, India wants to make the world believe that the situation in occupied Kashmir is normal, while the reality is the opposite and India has committed atrocities there. In such a situation, the international community should put pressure on India to stop human rights violations in illegally Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

He said that  India has been illegally occupying Kashmir for a long time but she should know that it cannot suppress the freedom spirit of the Kashmiri people with her guns. One day it will be free from Indian rule.

Barrister said in response to a question that the G-20 countries should take notice of the ongoing human rights violations in Indian occupied Kashmir and should boycott the G-20 conference in Srinagar.

He said that the international community should urge India to stop human rights abuses in occupied Kashmir.

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