
Protests in AJK against G20 meeting in IIOJK continue

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A massive protest demonstration was held and a rally was taken out in Muzaffarabad, today, against the holding of G20 meeting in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.
Various political, social and religious organizations, including Hurriyat leaders, participated in the rally organized by All Parties Hurriyat Conference Azad Jammu and Kashmir (APHC-AJK) chapter.
The protest was led by senior APHC leader and vice chairman Tehreek-e-Shubabul Muslameen Mushtaq Ahmed Bhat
The speakers said holding the G20 meeting in the disputed territory by India is a serious violation of international laws. They said India wants to deceive the world by holding this meeting that the situation in the occupied territory is peaceful and Kashmiris are happy with, while the reality is quite the opposite.
They strongly condemned the atrocities, killings, round-ups, attempts to change the population ratio, marking houses and grabbing lands by India in IIOJK. They said Kashmir is an internationally-recognized disputed territory where India cannot hold the G20 meeting and urged the international community to stop India from hosting the meeting in the territory.
The speakers appealed to the G20 countries to boycott the meeting as India is an occupying country that has occupied Jammu and Kashmir illegally and against the will of the Kashmiri people. They said India has deployed around 10 lakh soldiers in IIOJK to suppress the voice of the Kashmiris and to deprive them of their freedom.
They said instead of participating in the meeting, the G20 countries should put pressure on India to fulfill the promise of self-determination to the Kashmiris.

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