
Tax the rich is writing on wall

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Government is trying to collect more revenue through new taxes and enhancing tax rates but is not ready to implement taxes on the upper class because the rulers , no matter if they belong to any party, actually hail from that class of society , which is exempted from all kinds of taxes.

Without bringing the rich persons into the tax net , no country can get the fruits of progress. The main problem of the country that has not is under the burden of indirect taxes while the haves are not only paying tax but also living an extravagant life on the taxes of the poor class.

Now the International Monetary Fund(IMF) is also asking the government to tax the rich and give relief to the poor.

Every government in the history of the country , always advised the common man to swallow bitter pills but the people sitting on the top positions are not ready to even give the tax to the national exchequer .

This is the very reason that the rulers of the country lost their credibility among the people and no , even die hard political workers don’t have any confidence in their leadership.

In the past every government said that the government is taking hard decisions in the best interest  of the country but putting more and more taxes on the common man is not a difficult decision, rather it is a very easy choice . The actual tough verdict is to bring the upper and ruler class into the tax net.

What to say on the situation that on one side the rulers are telling the nation that the government is adopting austerity  but on the other hand it is buying new vehicles for the ministers at the same time.

It looks like the tall claims of the government about austerity are just lip service . If the government is serious about the welfare of the nation , it has to prove it by its deeds because there is an old saying that actions always speak louder than words.

In Pakistan, the common man is paying nine types of indirect taxes in their monthly utility bills. Moreover they are paying taxes to the federal government, provincial government and local bodies separately including property tax , toll tax , road tax and many other taxes. They pay sales tax on the purchase of every minor item just like a cake of soap or even a matchbox. The interesting fact is that the sales tax should be implemented on the traders as they are selling items and the people are purchasers ,but they are paying sales tax on purchases.

This situation is created by the elite class as they are not paying their due taxes ,and if they pay some taxes to the government they show fraudulence in paying their taxes,  as they have ample amount of money to buy some corrupt tax officials , but on the other hand common man has not any option expect paying taxes as they cannot fulfil the demands of these dishonest bureaucrats.

Now is the right time to put the taxes on the rich and elite class of the country as the  capacity of the common man has over to pay more taxes on behalf of the wealthy class.

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