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At last ice is melting

Allegedly, Imran Khan has agreed to talk with the Peoples Party’s leadership on forming of the government. In this regard the founder Chairman of PTI gave the task to the former Speaker of National Assembly to initiate dialogue with Zardari…

PDM strikes again

After the acute failure of the PDM led government during its 16 months’ tenure, almost the old team with the same prime minister is getting ready to take over Pakistan’s affairs once again. The hopes of the people almost died when the…

Voters may ponder

There is an old saying that vote is just like a drop of water, if it goes into a seashell, then it will turn into pearl, but if it goes into the mouth of a snake, it will become poison. The much awaited election has arrived when the people…

Electioneering grows expeditiously

The campaign of electioneering reached to its pinnacle throughout the country and the people are taking keen interest in the public gatherings and corner meetings, which are being organized by the different candidates, mostly  belong to…

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