
FBR introduces e-payment of taxes


Farzana Ali Khan
FATE enlighten FBR officials to boost immune system, fight off viral diseases
ISLAMABAD:Keeping in view the previous ongoing reforms in the Federal Board of Revenue and efforts to innovate the institution, the FBR has introduced an electronic payment (e-payment) of taxes. The customs can book import duties and taxes electronically through VBook (Video Book) and taxpayers can pay income tax, sales tax and federal excise duty payable at home.
Through the electronic payment system, merchants and taxpayers can pay customs duties and other FBR taxes online, including provincial taxes and stamp duties, online. This facility is available through internet and mobile banking. Taxes and duties can be paid through 15,000 ATMs of 16,000 commercial banks spread across the country.The trend and confidence of taxpayers in e-payment of taxes and duties has improved, as evidenced by the fact that the proportion of e-payment of income tax, sales tax and federal excise duty has increased from 6.26 percent in July-December 2019 last year. Taxes have risen to 40.5 percent in the same period this year. Similarly, the proportion of electronically collected taxes has increased from 13.55 percent to 76.5 percent.Traders and other taxpayers benefited from this facility of paying taxes and duties electronically during the Corona epidemic. Pakistan Customs has collected 18.6 percent of total import duties in the form of e-payment. In the last six months, the duties imposed on 80,000 consignments cleared from VBook, which is 22 percent of the total imports, have been received electronically.
Apart from major customs stations like Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad and Peshawar, importers have also availed this facility in remote areas like Taftan and Khanjrab.The FBR has encouraged traders and taxpayers to opt for the electronic method of tax payment to reduce their business costs as this method has improved the ease of doing business. Quick clearance is possible but also transparency in payment of taxes and duties is maintained. The World Trade Organization (WTO) insists on promoting the payment of taxes and duties electronically under the Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA).
The FBR has recently launched a media campaign and conducted seminars to promote the facility. Traders can learn more about this procedure by visiting the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section on the VBook page.Besides, Facilitation and Taxpayers’ Education Wing (FATE) of Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) arranged a one day Session regarding awareness about human immune system in FBR Head Quarter here on Wednesday.
The purpose of holding this session was to enlighten FBR officials about boosting immune system to fight off viral diseases. For the session, a renowned Consultant Physician and Dermatologist Dr. Tahira Shahid was specially invited to deliver a lecture on the subject.Dr. Tahira Shahid shared basic tips and precautionary measures to boost immunity particularly in the situation of ongoing corona pandemic. A large gathering of officers and officials were present in the enent. A free laboratory point was also set up by Advanced Diagnostic Center to provide free testing service of Covid-19, blood cholesterol and blood sugar to the willing employees. Multi-vitamins were also distributed to the employees after the session.At the end of the session, member FATE Syed Nadeem Hussain Rizvi thanked Dr. Tahira Shahid for sharing valuable information about health and immune system particularly during current Corona pandemic situation. Member FATE presented a shield and Member Administration Bakhtiar Muhammad presented a bouquet to the speaker.
After the Session, Chairman FBR Muhammad Javed Ghani also met with Dr. Tahira Shahid and thanked her for visiting FBR.

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