
G-20 Summit on foam of whirl- pool, IIOJK under “draconian Laws”.

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Pakistan ever to protest against the Indian atrocities and the worst violation of Basic Human Rights in IIOJK and favour to pay head to worries/miseries confronted to Kashmiris brothers by shouldering, to help and support them whether Politically, financially, Economically, ethically and morally. India Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir ‘IIOJK”, the territory where Hurriat leaders, either affiliated wings and units stand for Kashmir cause of freedom, are not only to abuse and humiliate, but treated with brutal torcher and in-human techniques like Electrocuding, Natick of a cute torcher, the electric wired “Torcher Cells” specifically established for Kashmiris across IIOJK. Indian forces plays with kashmiris youth and freedom fighters to Firing and killing the youth in self-made encounters, Pulling nails of their fingers, Nailing the nails to them, burning the delicate parts of their body, Cutting the limbs of youths by making them lame or crippled for ever, lefting and disgracing young girls and women forcedly, making their naked pictures and videos and to viral it on Social Media etc.

The G-20 moot in IIOJK is the way going to legetimize the Indian Racist, fascist and the BSF barbaric and Exclusive Rule of Law, meted to Kashmiris as long 75-years passed.
Mis-deeds of the Narhindra Modi led Indian regime behind G-20 moot, is NO More, but an attempt diverting world watching vision and posing fingers against Indian atrocities in the IIOJK and giving cover to the India’s bad intention, the worst ever brutalities did and going to keep it continue on innocent Kashmiris, the few among
are as following:-
Snatching the right to freedom.
Vanishing the UN resolution on Plebiscite in Kashmir. NO Right to Vote for Kashmiris. Implementation of draconian laws under the shelter of “Hinduthwa and gow-matha”.
Regularisation of the fascist, racist and BSF legacy and Legitimization to India’s Mis-deeds.

Its NO more a hidden mystery, one rather could see all this with NO barriors at all, round the hours in IIOJK, the upsetting scenes, eye tearing events hushed-up by terror, horrific venture & wounded stories, which now keenly asking questions deep downing into hearts of the visitors, instead passed decades over, but with “NO Answer” till the day and moment. G-20 States going there for “searching out ventures of Tourism” and to celebrate there the moments of their notes with great pleasures on the invitation of Narendra Modi led regime of India, while and as the same land has been converted into a “torment hell” for the Kashmiri Muslim living here for centuries, under the Racist and Fascist legacy of “Hinduthwa and gow-matha” hirarchy.
The more it condemns, the less it is done, over the lethargic, unilateral and biased attitude by keeping the Hurriat Leaders behind the bars with NO access to Law, Courts and Human Rights Organizations.

The India’s great set back and failure on the this G-20 convening moot is “Not attending” this summit by the Region greatest and neighbouring Countries like China, Egypt, Syria and KSA etc by differing the Indian State this move with “Stand on Principles” against on brutal human rights violation, victimisation and depriving kashmiris from the “Right to Freedom, Plebiscite and Right to Vote”.

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