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Merry Christmas!

“YOU are free; you are free to go to your temples. You are free to go to your mosques or to any other places of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion, caste or creed—that has nothing to do with the business of…

Terrorism Threat

Terrorism is that curse which has been badly affecting Pakistan since the incident of 9/11. The brave forces of the country did historical operations and eradicated the roots of terrorism. After eradication of terrorism country was just…

Qatar vs West

Qatar is a very small country having total area 11571 kilometers only. The population of this country is just 2900000 people. One can explore the whole country in few hours. But, this small country of globe is currently hosting the most…

‘Pindi’ Rally

The word ‘Pindi’ is very popular in Pakistani politics. Basically it is a short name of the city Rawalpindi, but whenever the word ‘Pindi’ is used during special meetings or during any political happening then the word refers to the General…

End of Deadlock

The prolonged discussions, speculations, and deadlock between the government and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) on the appointment of new Chief of Army Staff (COAS) have come to their end as the new COAS has been appointed by the mutual…

Civil-Military Relations

Civil-military relations are very important for ensuring the progress, prosperity, and development of a state. If the civil government and military work hard in their own domains then the country flourishes rapidly. But, when there are some…

Journalism in IIOJK

Indian barbarism in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) is continued under the Premiership of Narendra Modi. All the basic rights of people of IIOJK have been compromised. They are being killed on daily basis. They are…

Pak-Afghan border issue

Being a landlocked country, Afghanistan is totally dependent on Pakistan for its trade and connectivity with other parts of world. 2670 kilometers long Durand Line separates both the countries. Throughout the history this was a porous…

AJK LG Polls

Devolution of power to lower level is the real beauty of democracy. This is the way through which people get the chance to elect their representatives at local level. These representatives in return do basic work for the people who elect…

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